Yesterday, I reached my personal milestone of 1,000 consecutive days of daily morning meditation and Journaling.

The first journal I used started with the quote I often reflect on: “A journey of a thousand miles starts beneath one’s feet” (Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu – chapter 64), today I feel like I’m ready to close a phase of my self-discovery and growth journey but not the journey. It took me a thousand days and 20 notebooks to get me here, to really appreciate the journey more than reaching a destination, to honour and consider equally important each and every day because every single moment counted and contributed to creating the life I live today. Many things have subtly and slowly changed in my way of approaching life thanks to this, in theory, simple routine of starting every day with a ritual of morning journaling, inspired by Julia Cameron’s book “the Artist’s Way”, and meditation. I’m learning that loving myself means sometimes doing and appreciating what feels hard in the moment, but is good for my life and saying no, instead, to familiar immediate easy pleasing things which because of my personal history are in reality unhealthy for me. I’m learning that life is a continuous act of balancing opposite forces, opposite desires and to look for the truly honest intention behind my own choices and actions while trying to embrace the quote: “Love says ‘I am everything’, Wisdom says ‘I am nothing’, between these two my life flows.” (Sri Nisargadatta as quoted in The Wise Heart by Jack Kornfield).

The journey is not complete and will never be completed, so this is, at once, an important mandala and a mandala like all the others I  drew before,  and any moment is a good moment to restart with honest acceptance, courage, compassion and love as travel companions. The journey will continue to present obstacles, discomfort and moments of uncertainties and confusions, but will also continue to give me moments of hope, faith, freedom, joy and clarity because life is made by everything and to live a full and meaningful life, I need to continue on this path with renewed purpose, energy and clarity.

I planned to say more,  but maybe, for now, this is enough; maybe, now, it is time for a rich and meaningful silence.


Mandala - 1000 days and Day 1 (drawing)
A mandala of 2 opposite mandalas.



1000 days Journals
My 20 journals of morning pages.



My meditation sites
Some of my meditation sites.


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