I sit cross legged

in the middle of my heart, of my Mandala,

Nothing beneath me

Nothing besides me

Nothing above me

Only empty, deep blackness

I sit letting the emptiness be

Accepting it without hiding from it anymore

Welcoming it.

I cannot draw it

I cannot write it

It is too big

It is too everything

It cannot be fully contained

It cannot be fully defined

It cannot be fully revealed.

I let myself be,

I let my life be as it is

without definitions

boundless and wild

beautiful and frightening

immense and small.

This is the perfection in life,

I did not see it before for what it was,

this total blackness

this emptiness that fills every corner,

I mistakenly confused for void

and helplessness

and hopelessness.

I am Home.

I see the sparks of light purple and then

some white luminous flashes.

I am free.

I am free from the prison of wanting to make sense with these lines.

I am free from the need to be understood and being right.

Then why be scared?

What is left to fear when we can embrace the full blackness?

Everything passes eventually.

I am destined to die like everything else,

why then giving up the risk of living to protect a safe unlived life?

What does it matter?

To live long or to live really, even if is just for a short moment?

I let fear have a voice, but not being the driving force of my choices,

I let anger have a voice, but not being an unbending master,

I let envy have a voice, but not being the only voice, I hear,

I let all of the be present,

but I do not let them be all that I see, hear, think or feel anymore,

I do not let them define who I am.

Because they have reasons,

but they are also short-sighted,

so, I let them be present and have their voice, but along with all the other voices, experiences and feelings that I have.

We are complex.

Life is complex.

The Mandala of Life, I am visualising, is more complex I will ever manage to represent and capture with paper and colours, I will keep trying and, in this process, I will learn more, I will discover more, I will continue to travel within and higher.


The visualisation of the Mandala of Life was inspired from the guided meditation going within on Insighttimer (Meditation by: Dakota Earth Cloud at the Link: https://insighttimer.com/dakotaearthcloud/guided-meditations/going-within)

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