Stage 2 – The Bliss is the time of limitless YES to the boundless opportunities of a life yet to begin, to unfold.


Infinite possibilities of a blank canvas, of pure energy at work, before limitations and boundaries born out of expectations, dreams, beliefs and fears will set in.

It is the time, when after resting and growing in darkness; I float into the light, fearless because I have no awareness yet of being separated from the light and from the world, I inhabit.

The first Mandala of this phase is a “Million Stars Mandala”, the universe with its infinite potential.


Because we are born many times to a new life, the second Mandala is a birth or better the re-birth Mandala. I was born late November, only a few burned leaves left on the floor at the trees feet. I was born a month early and I was born, floating in the light through an abundant stream of water. Was I impatient to start living? Was I not fully prepared for it? Floating first, and through convoluted trajectories after, I live a life of several re-birth, through the darkness over and over again to the light of a new day, to the life that is always here: boundless, confused, messy, exciting, mysterious, ugly, painful, luminous, joyful all at once. Enthusiastic impatience, followed by fears and hiding away till courage and love too strong to be kept hidden pushing again into the light, into the life I am meant to live.


I experiment in this phase, no expectations or goals, testing the boundless opportunities of the blank canvas in front of me, of a new day with no directions yet and so no correction is needed because without expectation there is no right or wrong. I used a pebble collected from the beach to shape things for simple fun and a sense of freedom. The result is skewed, messy, formless, confused, meaningless, directionless, incomplete, beyond salvation, free from the prison of being good enough, liberated from expectations and aspirations, from the need to find sense in what is beyond comprehension and control… totally, utterly, unequivocally free of being as it is.


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